We’re glad you’re here.

Let us tell you how we began.

A message from our founder, Debbie Whorley:

“I believe running this ferret rescue is a calling from God. I never thought to run any rescue, much less one for ferrets. God had things fall into place in such a way that it just seamlessly became me running a ferret rescue. I live on disability and the rescue has to support itself, which He has provided for. I've been rescuing ferrets since 2003 and have had over 2,000 ferrets surrendered. Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue is based on the premise of ferret education, helping people with the care of the ferrets, helping people decide if this is the right pet for them and helping with ferret situations around the country. I'm always available for questions.”


We are a company founded in faith.

We strive to be well educated in all areas of our specialty.

We believe trust and honesty are essential elements in relationships with our clients, both furry and non-furry.

We are dedicated to being kind to everyone… after all, that’s what matters.


The rescue is based in my home. The ferrets are free roam throughout the upstairs, except for my bedroom. They have access to two bedrooms, the living room, the dining room, kitchen, master bath and guest bath. They are only in cages if they are sick or as a 'time out' when misbehaving. They are offered seven different foods, including freeze dried raw.