Meet Skeeter, the Brave Ferret Who Found Shelter and Love

Welcome this handsome boy to the rescue. He was found outside in Atlanta. The couple came home and found a ferret stuck in the siding of the house, where he tried to get in. He had to be terrified! He looks to be about a year old.  He took right to eating a bowl of soup, although he slung it everywhere!  He looks grumpy here, though he's not. When we put him on the floor, he went straight to a bed and fell asleep. He was exhausted from his adventures.

He's being seen by the vet Wednesday a.m. He has a bad hack / cough when he's eating, which means his trachea or esophagus was injured. They'll likely start steroids for inflammation. I don't know what else they'll do. He also has a slight limp in the back end. This may have been from standing on his back legs for who knows how long and struggling to get out. He's staying confined to a small area and being carefully watched.

Thanks to Margo Lupo for the suggestion of the name Skeeter for this boy. It seems to fit him, especially with mosquitoes being so bad right now. For having her suggested name chosen, she donated $50 toward his care via CashApp $kmferret, VenMo @Debbie-Whorley (0070), Zelle or Paypal to


Unconditional Love in Action: Debbie Whorley's Care for Sweet "Milk"


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